Quantum Shifts and Intuitive Living with Aureal Williams

Aureal Williams is a writer, intuitive guided imagery consultant, and deep space astrologer.

As a long- time tracker of quantum shifts, she authored a definitive book,5D Ordinary Descriptions of an Extraordinary Shift (https://books2read.com/u/menJoz).

Her blog posts are weekly and distributed widely over social media. (https://aurealwilliams.com/blog).

Aureal works with individuals and work teams wanting more unconditional love, intuitive living, a new relationship with time, skill in letting go and living the present moment, and embodied sovereignty. She helps people understand and adjust to the many changes happening now.

On this episode:

Amber is joined by author and entrepreneur, Aureal Williams for a discussion on our internal energy, early traditional upbringing, and unlocking the fifth dimension.

Shareable Quotes:

“View success in our own way. You don’t know who will benefit in the future from the seeds you’re planting right now.” -Amber Fuhriman

“Growing up in a very traditional family where my mother wasn’t allowed to work, was a struggle. It took me forever to align with my path.” -Aureal Williams

“I found myself letting go of religion or many reasons, but also felt this desire for the people I’ve lost to not be gone.” -Amber Fuhriman 

“When I was growing up it was very common for people to keep one job forever their entire career. Things are much more fluid now and for the better in many ways. The generations have progressed quickly when it comes to consciousness.” -Aureal Williams

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