Talking Passion & Business with Fonda Tanner

Today’s guest: Fonda Tanner

Fonda Tanner has a passion for business. She holds a MBA and Project Management Certification from Midland University. She is an active Realtor in Nevada, Life insurance agent, Travel agent, wellness enthusiast, entrepreneur and mom!​

Fonda has worked for the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City-Omaha for seven years. She has worked in leadership within the healthcare, nonprofit and corporate sectors. Fonda enjoys people, places and processes. This means that she believes that building relationships and bringing people together in business to improve outcomes is the core of what Biznet stands for.

On this episode:

Amber is joined by entrepreneur and co-founder of Biznet Fonda Tanner for a conversation on finding your path in business, the effects of COVID, and the focus on legacy.

Tweetable Quotes:

“I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to be. My entry into entrepreneurship sprouted from a love I had for people.” -Fonda Tanner

“We learn just as much if not more, by discovering what we don’t like. What we don’t want to doll.” -Amber Fuhriman

“When COVID hit, it was the first time I saw people just jumping in to entrepreneurship.” -Fonda Tanner

“Forgiveness is amazing, but if we let ourselves off the hook too quickly after mishaps… our goals can get derailed .” -Amber Fuhriman

Fonda Tanner:


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