Jason Cercone is a creative professional, strategist, and podcaster. He is the Founder of Cercone Consulting where he helps brands and professionals get optimized for successful podcast guest marketing initiatives with hands-on training and coaching. He’s also the host of Evolution of Brand, a podcast featuring self-defined entrepreneurs and professionals sharing inspirational stories and tactical brand-building strategies.

Sharable Quotes

“Good sales people don’t need to lie. They know they bring value.” -Amber Fuhriman

“After I shut my first podcast down, I took a year off to study how people spoke to each other. I knew I had to find my own approach.” -Jason Cercone

“Trying to close a sale without even attempting to build a relationship is the wrong path.” -Amber Fuhriman

“I’ve heard people say they hate their voice and that’s why they’re not doing a podcast. You’re the only one who’s focusing on that. Everyone else is focusing on the value you bring.” -Jason Cercone

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