Discovering Your Unbeatable Brand with Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr

“Inspiring stories, engaging conversations, and a mission to help.” This is how most people can describe Tonya and Michael.

They are international bestselling authors, branding speakers, hosts of the Be Bold Branding Podcast, and partners in BrandFace. They have helped and inspired real estate agents, authors, podcasters, coaches, and business owners in 5 countries and 43 US states to stand out, overcome obstacles, and become an authority in their market through the power of personal branding.

Their passion is unveiling inner stars.

Their mantra is “People don’t do business with a logo. They do business with a person.”

Their most famous quote is: “Great branding doesn’t just change the way others see you. It changes the way you see yourself.”

On this episode:

Amber is joined by founders of Brand Face, LLC Tonya Eberhart & Michael Carr for a conversation on building brands, the real estate business, and connecting with the right people.

Shareable Quotes:

“Branding and marketing often get confused. Business owners quickly learn they are not the same.” -Amber Fuhriman

“The number one mistake in business is marketing before your brand is built .” -Tonya Eberhart

“You are the story of why someone will want to use your services.” -Michael Carr

“Our society romanticizes the struggle. Success does not have to be hard.” -Amber Fuhriman

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